FlyTrace > Help

This is a screenshot of a sample map page:

Clicking on the marker brings up an info window with some details & links:

Markers could have different statuses depending on a button pressed on the SPOT device:

SPOT button pressed Marker on the page Status shown in info window
'Track' (actual letter depends on a marker name) ON TRACK
'OK' LANDED (Ok) - for hang- and para-gliding
usually means 'NEED RETRIEVE'
'Custom' LANDED (Custom) - for hang- and para-gliding
usually means 'DO NOT NEED RETRIEVE'
'Help' * or 'SOS' *
'SOS', 'Help' or whatever tracker
sends as"not good" message
* SOS and Help statuses are not tested well. For example, there is no certainty that SOS message could be received by this site at all.